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Saturday 3 September 2011

An audio abduction!

As a one off silly thing to do I have done an audio version of my dream!  You SHOULD (if I do it correctly) find it right at the bottom of this page, near the list of previous posts!  

If SOMEONE could let me know if it works I would be most grateful! :-)

Last night's dream started with myself, my husband and my father sitting round a dining room table somewhere, discussing our plans to set up our own business 'doing accents'! (?)   I should add none of us can actually do accents!

Anyway we ran out of biscuits - a clear disaster in anyone's book I am sure so I set off to the local supermarket to get some.

Once there I bumped into a girl who looked stressed as she desperately needed 12 sachets of low fat hot chocolate and they only had 9.  She looked like her world was coming to an end and  asked me when they refilled the shelves and I confidentially answered 3am!

She nodded and at that moment a bloke appeared, and led her away roughly by the arm.  As I left the supermarket she was stood by a wall crying so I stopped to check she was OK.  She said yes, but  then ran off and I could see her join a group of people up ahead.

As I caught up with them I could hear that they were all talking in rhyme and that everything they said was really funny.  They were all absolutely rocking with laughter so I carried on my way feeling glad she was OK.

I walked to the bus stop and I was surprised to realise that I was waiting for a bus.  I don't quite know why this surprised me, but it did.  The bus arrived, we all got on and as soon as we were on, the driver said he was from Somalia and was abducting us all.  He said we could keep our phones but were not under any circumstances allowed to use them.

It all felt very real and very frightening and my first instinct was to do a surreptitious text to my husband to say 'help I am being abducted'.  Something told me that I would regret it if I did though, so I tucked my phone into my bra and just decided to wait to see what happened and to try to stay calm.

The girl next to me however did try to send a text.  The Abductor was outside and she felt safe, but as soon as she did, he was instantly next to her and crushed the phone in her hand.  He dragged her off and we didn't see her again.

He drove us off somewhere, but then stopped at a bus stop and three blokes got on.  When they realised what was happening they tried to attack the abductor but he had no problem in overpowering all of them.  He threw them off the moving bus...without opening the doors first. 

We ended up on an old industrial estate.  There were just three women left on the bus now.  The other two were hugging each other and crying but for some reason I still felt calm.  He got us all off the bus and took us into an old school.

I received a text on my phone.  I checked, but the abductor was preoccupied so I had a sneaky look.  The text turned into a piece of folded up paper in my hand.

With one last check to make sure he wasn't looking, I glanced at it.  It said 'remember Molly (one of our rabbits!) needs identification so she can get a passport'!  

I was still looking at this when the abductor suddenly banged sharply on the window and made me jump.  He beckoned to me to come outside and I panicked thinking that I was in trouble.  

Once outside he told me I wasn't dressed correctly and that he had wanted all of us outside not just me, as he was taking us for a meal.

I noticed I had pink silk pyjamas on which surprised me, so I headed back in and we all had a frantic search for decent clothes.  I found a black outfit which was covered in white mould.

He seemed happy enough though and gave us all a very long slice of brown bread and a brick of corned beef each (!)

After this 'meal' we were ushered back in and I noticed a small toy on one of the desks.  It was a cross between a car and a helicopter and it looked like it had been dipped in gold paint.  I found that if you repeatedly pulled it backwards, it would zip off forwards.  I did this but after 'driving' forward a bit, it took off into the air as the helicopter function took over!

It flew around a bit then crashed and fell behind a cupboard.  I went to pick it up and it started to talk to me! It was very upset that someone had left it behind, choosing instead to play with its predecessor, the mark II which couldn't even fly!
It was MOST upset and put out about it   

The abductor came in and said he didn't know what to do now, as he hadn't really thought it through!  He asked us, if he got us all an ice cream, would we just call it quits and forget about it, so I said yes please, took the ice cream and walked home!


KingOfAnkh said...

That worked just dandy :D

Elizabeth... said...

Yay! I am pleased I worked it out but I shan't make a habit of it! ;-)